Thursday, August 2, 2012

A sunny day in Dublin and a Confession

A sunny day in Dublin

A sunny day in Dublin by fromkate 

This morning looks promising. After (surprise, surprise) the wettest and coldest July in Ireland for 40 years, this Thursday  the skies seem to be defending themselves against all the complaints and have brought some much needed brightness to the streets. Rain is forecast for later, but at the moment it feels like it might not come and I have high hopes that picking up a bubble tea on my way into work and wearing open-toe sandals and sunglasses could be the order for the day. 

You might have noticed that the blog has been a little quiet over the past few weeks. To tell you the truth, I'm still finding my voice over here. It feels like there's so much to write about and so much that has already been said that I keep feeling a bit foggy about where I want to take this space, what I want to write about, what to engage with, what to draw attention to, and what to discuss. I don't want to try too hard to form a niche identity and impose it on this blog because I'm sure that (for me) that will feel forced and insincere, so I'm planning on flying by the seat of my pants for a while... and I really do hope that you'll stay around for the ride.


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